Sammi Cheng Forgives Andy Hui in Statement Addressing the “OnSum Cheating” Scandal
Kenneth Ma Addresses the Media on the “OnSum Cheating” Scandal
Jacqueline Wong Apologizes to Kenneth Ma
Earlier today, Jacqueline Wong (黃心穎) had already made a statement and apologized to Kenneth Ma ((馬國明) through TVB executive, Virginia Lok (樂易玲). Around 5PM local Hong Kong time, Jacqueline Wong uploaded an official statement on her Instagram account addressing the cheating scandal. She also enabled commenting on her posts again.
Former Mr. Hong Kong Contestant Claims Jacqueline Wong is the Real Victim
Celebrities React to the “OnSum Cheating” Scandal
Jacqueline Wong Rumored to be Frozen by TVB, Andy Hui Halting Work Activities
Jacqueline Wong Once Emphasized She Wouldn’t Like Married Men
Andy Hui Held Press Conference to Address Cheating Scandal, Immediately Posts Apology on Instagram
Andy Hui and Jacqueline Wong Caught Being Intimate in Taxi Cab
Her post says:
Sorry, I made a mistake. I made a very wrong and hard to forgive mistake. I feel deeply ashamed and remorseful.
At this moment, I sincerely apologize to everyone who was hurt and impacted by this incident.
Committing such a serious mistake, I have no way of facing myself and don’t know how to face my family, Kenneth, friends, TVB, colleagues…I don’t dare ask for forgiveness. I only beg everyone to give those who were implicated some space.
I will seriously reflect on my faults, accept the punishments and bear the consequences.
Once again, “Sorry to everyone.”
Credit: Jacqueline Wong IG (1, 2)
I tried to reply about 3 times even editing my reply shorter but it didn’t work, so here’s my reply to you (admin) as a regular comment:
I agree that this is an issue with Asian mentality and culture and I’m sure that has a lot to do with it. In this particular case, I’m not sure it applies entirely. Jacqueline Wong is getting such a huge backlash in part because she simply chose the wrong people to get involved with. The popularity of those involved is just too great in HK.
Her actions (to me, at least) seem more despicable than Andy’s. Jacqueline’s actions are bordering on sociopathic even. Her cheating on her boyfriend and going after someone’s husband is already pretty bad, but to befriend, and leave admiring comments on Sammi’s account around the same time the video was taped really shows the type of person she is.
What Jacqueline did appears to be pretty deliberate.What reason is there to fake closeness with the man’s wife? Wouldn’t a decent person making a poor choice feel all sorts of guilt and therefore try their best to distance themselves from the man’s wife?
I mean, there is zero reasoning for Jacqueline to interact with Sammi in any capacity, on any level. A normal, decent person might not be able to control their feelings and make the wrong choice but why then try to be friendly with the wife? working out with her? leaving comments on her Instagram? Again, the date of when Jacqueline left a comment on Sammi’s Instagram, was about the same time of the taxi incident. That’s just…really wrong. This isn’t a decent person caught in a bad circumstance. These are the actions of someone who is proud, arrogant, heartless and shameless.
To be fair, in the case of Mandy Lieu and Alvin Chau, I think the sexist double standards was definitely at play. In Alvin/Mandy situation, the Asian mentality of making the women out to be villains and men getting a free pass was evident here in full force, I 100% agree. Alvin Chau is more disgusting of a person than ALL of his mistresses combined yet Mandy Lieu received nearly ALL of the criticism.
For Jacqueline’s case, I don’t believe the harsh backlash she’s receiving is entirely unfair and out of line with what she’s done.
It all comes down to shame or lack of shame that fuels the hate of others. Andy Hui is shitty and Jacqueline Wong is diarrhea. At the very least, Andy’s actions seemed to show caution (no talk of him being friendly with Kenneth, at least no more than usual, moments of hesitation in the taxi, not following Jacqueline on Instagram, live press conference facing the media, opened Instagram comments to take some heat) which shows he realizes on SOME LEVEL what he’s doing is shameful and requires hiding and taking responsibility – by facing and receiving anger from the public.
Jacqueline Wong’s actions were incredibly aggressive and arrogant, as if she has no guilt and no shame about what she’s doing. She unnecessarily befriends the wife of the man she’s sleeping with, paws at a married man with no hesitation. Yet at the same time she publicly plays lovey-dovey with Kenneth each time she’s on camera. She also preemptively closes her Instagram comments to not have to hear criticism, followed Andy Hui on Instagram and proudly posted numerous photos with him and she still hasn’t publicly spoken in person.
None of this appears to be a person who has shown she truly realizes that whatever wrong she’s done is SO WRONG, that she has to take some heat for it. Guilt = someone who wants to repent and willing to take responsibility for it. Her actions do not show this.It’s just harder to forgive someone who acted like Jacqueline Wong in this situation than Andy Hui and it is definitely not because of her gender (for me anyway).
It seems as if she does not at all want to bear any consequences. Although Andy Hui is a flaming pile of crap, he actually had his instagram comments enabled so he’s willingly taking a lot of crap. He could possibly not be reading it but as a celebrity and also needing to hide from the public for a time, that’s the closest thing he can do now, in terms of “taking responsibility and suffering the consequences.”
Jacqueline, however, is seriously a coward. She closed her comments immediately as if to not want to hear nor deal with the shame that rightfully comes from what her actions invited.
Therefore for me personally, I think her apology is incredibly insincere. Sure, her company MIGHT be preventing her from holding a press conference (as stated by Kenneth Ma) but in regards to her own personal instagram? This something that is controlled entirely by her and she chose to NOT deal with any backlash by closing off comments and not allowing anyone to vent at her, in order to protect herself.
Her actions speak louder than words and her actions are pretty much saying she wants to be insulated from shame and consequences as much as possible. Even in her apology read very stereotypical, general and frankly, a little impersonal to me.
I agree 100%. I’ve never liked Jacqueline from the start anyway. She always has that cocky face which I find irritating, and many times her words and behaviour have come across as insincere. I’m kind of a b*tch radar.
If she doesn’t want to bear the consequences then she shouldn’t have done such a thing in the first place. How could she have the heart to do this to Sammi, when Sammi has been nothing but kind and supportive of her? It’s disgusting.
How could she have the heart to do anything like this at all to any woman with a husband? It takes two to tango, and honestly I don’t think either of them would have been sorry if they weren’t caught and exposed. I do believe Andy feels a tremendous amount of guilt, but that does not excuse what he has done.
Her way in handling this situation is frankly abysmal and completely lacking in sincerity and remorse. I mean. LOL. Writing your apology on NOTES from your phone and then publishing it? Then copying it into the caption????? JUST. LOL. PLEASE.
I agree, her apology was very generic and insincere. Perhaps, less is more in this instance.
To play devil’s advocate though, I feel like she is getting all the flack for the cheating, whereas everyone seems to be forgiving Andy already. While his apology at the press conference might have been genuine, I still harbor doubts about him truly feeling sorry for hurting Sammi. To me, the video showed that this wasn’t their first tryst. They looked very intimate and comfortable with each other, but everyone seems to think this was a one time fling that Jacqueline initiated.
Why should this be career ending for Jacqueline Wong when Andy Hui gets a pass for cheating on his wife and making a fool out of her and Kenneth Ma? It seems to be an Asian mentality where men get a pass for cheating because it’s expected, but when the third party is a woman, they are getting blamed for everything.
I agree that this is an issue with Asian mentality and culture and I’m sure that has a lot to do with it. In this particular case, I’m not sure it applies entirely. Jacqueline Wong is getting such a huge backlash in part because she simply chose the wrong people to get involved with. The popularity of those involved is just too great in HK.
It all comes down to shame or lack of shame that fuels the hate of others. Andy is shitty and Jacqueline is diarrhea. At the very least, Andy’s actions seemed to show caution (no talk of him being friendly with Kenneth, at least no more than usual, moments of hesitation in the taxi, not following Jacqueline on Instagram, live press conference facing the media, opened Instagram comments to take some heat) which shows he realizes on SOME LEVEL what he’s doing is shameful and requires hiding and taking responsibility – by facing and receiving anger from the public.
Jacqueline’s actions were incredibly aggressive and arrogant, as if she has no guilt and no shame about what she’s doing. She unnecessarily befriends the wife of the man she’s sleeping with (even left a comment on her post that dates around the time of the taxi video), paws at a married man with no hesitation. She also preemptively closes her Instagram comments to not have to hear criticism and still no in-person apology/press conference. She followed Andy Hui on Instagram and proudly posted numerous photos with him while she was having an affair with him.
None of this appears to be a person who has shown feelings of guilt or truly realizes that whatever wrong she’s done is SO WRONG, that she has to take some heat for it. Guilt = someone who wants to repent and willing to take responsibility for it. Her actions do not show this.It’s just harder to forgive someone who acted like Jacqueline Wong in this situation than Andy Hui and it is definitely not because of her gender (for me anyway).
To be fair, in the case of Mandy Lieu and Alvin Chau, I think the sexist double standards was definitely at play. In Alvin/Mandy situation, the Asian mentality of making the women out to be villains and men getting a free pass was evident here in full force, I 100% agree. Alvin Chau is more disgusting of a person than ALL of his mistresses combined yet Mandy Lieu received nearly ALL of the criticism.