TVB Suspected of Firing Wingto Lam over Social Media Posts

TVB Suspected of Firing Wingto Lam

TVB artist Wingto Lam (林泳淘), was suddenly given notice by TVB at the end of September that they were terminating her contract ahead of schedule. It’s reported she still had a year left on her contract. The 29 year old host and actress debuted in 2011 in a girl group called, Lacee Lacey. The following year, she joined the Miss Hong Kong pageant and made it to the top 10. Later on, she joined TVB through the 26th artiste training program. In 2013, she joined as a host on the TV program, “Scoop” (東張西望) and had guest roles in several series.

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It’s reported Wingto Lam’s firing was over her past social media posts about politics that didn’t align with TVB. Wingto Lam had previously urged people to attend the March 31 march over the protest of the Extradition Law Amendment Bill. It’s said TVB froze her for two months. In July, as a host “Scoop”, she went out to the streets to interview people at the “Recover Tuen Men” protest, but was being yelled at by the protestors. She later went on IG to say, “I understand everyone’s actions, but please don’t let prejudice blind you from seeing someone’s true heart.”

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In July, it was reported the Hong Kong office of a Japanese soft drink company decided not to advertise with TVB over differences in political views. Wingto Lam had posted a picture of the drink on her IG seemingly in support of the move made by the soft drink company.

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Wingto Lam spoke with Oriental Daily News and expressed, “The whole thing was very sudden. As for the reason, I’m not sure. I only found out about it in the recent week. The next day was my last day.” As for her next steps, she said, “KOL, Emcee, I’ll try anything. Now that I have more freedom, I can film series, film videos, do everything. I am pretty lucky. I don’t own property, so I don’t have too much pressure.” It turns out Wingto Lam will be filming a ViuTV series soon. She expressed, “There are so many different channels now. There are good opportunities everywhere. I don’t want to just be a host.”

Credit: (1, 2), Wingto Lam