What will Happen to Vicky Chan’s Character in “Come Home Love – Lo and Behold” After DUI Arrest?

What will Happen to Vicky Chan's Character in Come Home Love - Lo and Behold After DUI Arrest?

TVB actress, Vicky Chan (陳偉琪), was arrested in the early morning of October 26 for drunk driving after she collided with a taxi. Shortly afterwards, she posted a short apology on Instagram saying, “Sorry, I made a mistake! I am truly sorry to the people who were impacted by this incident, people who care about me, and friends who love me. I will deeply self reflect and seriously face it. Thank you.”

[VIDEO] Vicky Chan Won’t Be Frozen, Apologizes for DUI Scandal

The 28 year old Vicky Chan got popular after portraying “Jenny” in “Come Home Love – Lo and Behold” (愛.回家之開心速遞). With her DUI scandal, her image has taken a hit. Many netizens are worried about her being frozen and her character, “Jenny”, being removed from the series. A producer from the series responded to Oriental Daily News saying, “Her work hasn’t been impacted so far. Depending on her condition on Monday, we will determine whether she should continue working. The company hasn’t expressed anything yet!”

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As for TVB executive Virginia Lok (樂易玲), who is currently in Malaysia, she expressed, “I am not in Hong Kong. I don’t know what’s going on. I have to inquire with Tsang Jeh (曾勵珍) and discuss it first because she doesn’t have a lot of scenes in “Come Home Love”. Mandy Lam (林淑敏), who plays “Linda Lung”, also responded to Oriental Daily News saying, “I’m not fully aware of the situation, but she has always been very good. Our whole family will definitely worry and support her. Knowing that she is safe, we can be at ease.”

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Credit: hk.on.cc, Vicky Chan IG