Huang Zitao Announces Departure from Weibo After Getting Backlash on Heartfelt Post

Huang Zitao Announces Departure from Weibo After Getting Backlash on Heartfelt Post

Ever since Huang Zitao (黄子韬) returned to China, he has been developing his career as a singer and an actor. He is always the subject of headlines for being outspoken. In the early morning hours today, Huang Zitao posted on Weibo saying, “After so many years, if this over 5 minute [song], the best one of ours, doesn’t touch people besides fans, I will lose my selfishness and just go become an actor* (戏子).” He then left a comment on the post saying, “Making music for so long, sacrificed so much, yet I still don’t have a song that everyone knows. I let myself down. I developed real emotions.” However, the post was later deleted.

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Huang Zitao Announces Departure from Weibo After Getting Backlash on Heartfelt Post

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Even though the post was deleted, there was some debate among netizens regarding his choice of words. They felt he treated acting as a back up and that his use of the term “戏子”* (xizi) to refer to actors, was extremely disrespectful. Huang Zitao then made another post responding to the backlash.

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Huang Zitao Announces Departure from Weibo After Getting Backlash on Heartfelt Post

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In his post, he said, “I don’t know who deleted my post, but I don’t want to take back what I said. I’ve had enough of saying something, posting it, and then having to delete it the next day. There is nothing wrong with what I said about myself. I love music, I love filming. Both are passionate jobs of mine and a part of my life. I am very confident in my music, but there are times where I am disappointed in myself. I just hope my next song can be even better. I casually posted something to vent my emotions. I said I let myself down, is that a problem? I am an actor. I just uploaded a post saying I am a “戏子”* (xizi), is that a problem? How could I not know about this term “actor” (演员). Did I talk about other actors or mock someone?”

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Huang Zitao Announces Departure from Weibo After Getting Backlash on Heartfelt Post

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Huang Zitao then talks about quitting Weibo. He continues saying, “Those who wear colored glasses and who never seen, never heard, anything of mine, don’t look at my Weibo anymore. Thank you. Hope you guys are happy. I will no longer post anything I want on Weibo anymore. To me, this (Weibo) is just a place to promote advertisements, marketing, hot trends, fakes, and negativity. It really doesn’t suit me. I withdraw. This is my last Weibo post. This type of place isn’t worthy of me saying anything from my heart.

*The term he used is “戏子”, which is a derogatory and antiquated term to refer to an actor.”

Credit: Sina, Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

6 thoughts on “Huang Zitao Announces Departure from Weibo After Getting Backlash on Heartfelt Post

  1. Whatever U do or say, be it good or bad, there are people who will criticise U. If U get affected by them U will eventually lose Urself. U choose to work in that kind of field so U must be ready to accept other people’s negativity and opinion..
    As long as U are doing good and not doing any crime. . Hu cares?
    U know Urself better than anyone else.
    Dnt let the negativity of others steal the goodness in U.
    Be brave.
    Good luck to all Ur undertakings..

  2. Human always annoying and irritating. Let them be. You, Huang Zitao, ignore them and do what you love and best at.

    1. After what I’ve read, I dunno what to say, I’m one of the Tao’s fan.

      Be Brave Tao…. (:

      1. Thank you for being true to your self… For sharing your deepest thoughts to us.. Dont hide it because it can be harmful to you.. Count those that matter… Lots of good things will come to you.. Be positive 🐼❤️

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