Steven Cheung and His Wife are Expecting Another Child

Steven Cheung and His Wife are Expecting Another Child

Steven Cheung (張致恒) was certainly getting busy amidst his scandals as he and his wife are expecting their second child together.

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His wife, Man Man, hinted at her second pregnancy when she posted on IG saying, “I’ve lost my appetite already. I have no energy to do anything. It’s been hard on you to take care of our son and me. It’s been hard on you to finish the food when I had only eaten one or two bites. It’s been hard on you to cook so many meals for me. It’s been hard on you to yield to my temper and to my tantrums. There are a few more months…Let us work hard and endure this!”

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Steven Cheung had left a comment on his wife’s post saying, “Because of you, I really need to lose some weight first. If not, I can’t carry two of them. I love you.”

He confirmed the pregnancy news in a post today saying, “Thank you everyone for your blessings. Thank you God for giving us another child. My wife and I actually really like children. Tin Bo (天寶) will have a younger brother or younger sister. I feel the home like this will be lively and happy. So I will work even harder to allow them to grow up happily.”

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They already have a 7 month son and got married in September. Steven Cheung was recently spotted working at a restaurant to make ends meet.

Credit:, Steven Cheung IG