Yang Yang Explains Why He Doesn’t Have Much Friends

Yang Yang Explains Why He Doesn't Have Much Friends

Hunan TV’s variety show, “The Irresistible” (元气满满的哥哥), features the “gege team”, led by Hu Jun (胡军), Cai Guoqing (蔡国庆), Nicky Wu (吳奇隆), David Wang (王耀慶), and Li Weijia (王耀庆), competing against the “didi team”, led by Yang Yang (杨洋), Wang Yanlin (王彦霖), Cheney Chen (陈学冬), Dylan Wang (王鹤棣), and Justin Huang (黄明昊), in various games. On the most recent episode, the geges and didis sit down for a meal and have a heart to heart.

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It started off with Nicky Wu saying Yang Yang is very serious when he faces all situations. He said it can be a good and bad thing. After the first recording, Nicky Wu said he told Yang Yang to relax a bit more. Nicky Wu also said Yang Yang was much better this episode compared to the previous two recordings. Yang Yang explained, “Why I wasn’t really able to relax in the first and second episodes…”. Hu Jun jokingly says it’s due to Yang Yang being very competitive. Yang Yang said it wasn’t and that winning or losing aren’t that important to him. He felt very happy having fun with the geges and the didis.

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Cheney Chen, Yang Yang, and Hu Jun

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Yang Yang then explained, “I am a person who is quite slow to warm up to people. I was studying at the military school, so I didn’t have that much interactions with society. That’s why on the first day I said I might not have that many friends. That’s why this time, I want to open up myself more.”

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Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6)