Huang Zitao Cherishes Memory of His Father with New Song, “You”

Huang Zitao Cherishes Memory of His Father with New Song, You

Huang Zitao (黄子韬) released a new song, “You” (你), on October 30. The song, “You”, was originally sung by Jin Runji (金润吉) and used as the theme song for Huang Zitao’s series, “Forward Forever” (热血同行). Huang Zitao posted on October 30 explaining why the song is important to him and how it relates to his late father, Huang Zhongdong (黄忠东).

Huang Zitao Pens Post Remembering His Late Father, Huang Zhongdong

Jin Runji’s “You”

Huang Zitao Wouldn’t Block His Company’s Artists from Dating

He wrote, “I wrote a lot of especially explosive, especially wild songs. ‘You’ might be the saddest song I’ve ever sang. This is to ‘Chong Liming’ and his brothers, and also to me. This series has finished airing almost a year ago. I know a lot of people have never watched it, but this song has been accompanying me during this time. I experienced a lot of things just like ‘Chong Liming’. I watched an important person leave my side with my eyes wide open…Just like the lyrics say, ‘Where are you going, are you the wind that blows by my ear?’

Huang Zitao Explains Why He Still Live Streams and Stays Happy in the Wake of His Father’s Passing

Huang Zitao’s version of “You” with Eng lyrics

Huang Zitao’s Father, Huang Zhongdong, Passes Away at 52

I also asked myself in my mind over and over again. Now I know that it was you who was by my side all along…I love you, dad. I hope you are doing well in another world. I hope ‘Chong Liming’ can accompany you in my place. Don’t need to worry about me anymore.”

Huang Zitao Would Trade 10 Years of His Life for His Dad to be Alive for One More Year

Huang Zitao as “Chong Liming” in “Forward Forever”

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3)

3 thoughts on “Huang Zitao Cherishes Memory of His Father with New Song, “You”

  1. Yes tao… That s d spirit.. I will b always by your side…. When we loss smone special to us we miss them a lot….. But we don’t have other choices…. Live your life as your father wants to be…. Let him be relaxed…. Love u.. Tk cr…. 💕💕💕💕

  2. We love you ❤️ tao keep it up.i have never seen a very strong person like you in my entire give us strength.your fans is always there for you.Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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