Kris Wu Criminally Detained By Police for Suspicion of Rape

Kris Wu Criminally Detained By Police for Suspicion of Rape

Content Warning: The following content may contain references to date rape, drugging, rape, and/or sexual assault.

On July 31 at 10:30 pm, the Beijing Chaoyang Police official Weibo account gave their first update on Kris Wu’s (吴亦凡) case since July 22. They wrote, “In response to the online reports of Wu ‘Someone Fan’ repeatedly luring young women to have sexual relations and other related situations, after the police investigation, Wu ‘Someone Fan’ (male, 30 years old, Canadian) has already been criminally detained by the Chaoyang Public Security Bureau on suspicion of rape. Investigative work for the case is currently underway.”

Back on July 22, the Beijing Chaoyang Police released the initial investigation results of Du Meizhu’s (都美竹) allegations of being lured by Kris Wu’s manager, Feng Meng, to his place under the guise of discussing work opportunities. Du Meizhu said she was only supposed to meet with his manager alone and didn’t know she would be going to Kris Wu’s home. When she arrived, Kris Wu was having a drinking party. Her phone, along with the other party-goers’ phones, were confiscated. She alleged she was forced to get drunk and found herself in Kris Wu’s bed when she woke up, accusing Kris Wu of drug raping her. According to police, Du Meizhu was already 18 at the time. The police revealed Du Meizhu had the help of a writer with a few of her blog posts to reportedly help her gain fame and hype. It was also uncovered by the police that both Du Meizhu and Kris Wu were conned by a third party, unrelated to either side, trying to scam them for money.

Du Meizhu

In addition to these claims, Du Meizhu also alleged Kris Wu had sexual relations with multiple underaged girls and that she had evidence to prove it. After Du Meizhu spoke up, additional girls stepped forward to share their experiences with Kris Wu. The police at the time said they would be investigating Du Meizhu’s other claims in their July 22 report, which hadn’t absolved Kris Wu of any criminal liability yet. They also expressed Du Meizhu and other alleged victims hadn’t filed a police report yet. Since July 22, all of Kris Wu’s endorsers had terminated their business partnerships with him, including Louis Vuitton who had initially only suspended their partnership pending the results of the investigation. Fast forward to July 31, Kris Wu has been detained by the police on suspicion of rape.

Following the news from the Chaoyang Police, China’s “Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission” also issued a post, “On the land of China, it is necessary to abide by China’s laws. Using the truth as the foundation, using the law as the standard.” They also included hashtags about Kris Wu being detained.

The China National Narcotics Central Commission also posted a notice about Kris Wu’s detention leaving netizens to wonder if he is also being investigated for drug charges. However, the post was later deleted.

China’s largest state run newspaper, “People’s Daily”, commented, “Foreign nationality is not a talisman [for protection]. However famous you are, there is no immunity either. Whoever breaks the law must be punished by law. Please remember: the higher the popularity, the more you must be self-restrained and self-disciplined, the more popular you are at the moment, the more you must abide by the law.

China’s second largest state run newspaper,, also posted about Kris Wu’s detention and included a movie poster of him in prison with the caption, “Movie poster, the picture has relation with the post.”

Sina Entertainment reached out to Du Meizhu after the news of Kris Wu’s detention. She responded back, “Not convenient [to comment]. Sorry”. Li En, who claims to be Du Meizhu’s cousin, has repeatedly spoke on Du Meizhu’s case before. She reposted the Chaoyang Police’s post and said, “Only after experiencing hell-like torture, can you have the power to conquer heaven. Our efforts were not in vain. All the injustices we have suffered will turn into motivation. Thank you.” However, Du Meizhu gave an interview to NetEase Entertainment denying she is related to Li En. She said, “We know each other, but we’re only friends. There is no blood relations at all. I have repeatedly told her to delete her Weibo posts, but she wouldn’t delete it, told her not to post it and she still reposts it. Her views are only hers and have nothing to do with me. I hope you guys can help me clarify it to avoid publishing false information.” Li En has since deleted some of her posts related to Du Meizhu.

Kris Wu’s supertopic on Weibo is no longer accessible. Fans later created another supertopic under Kris Wu’s original Chinese name, “Li Jiaheng”, which has also been closed. A netizen shared a picture of “Kris Wu’s August Schedule”, which reportedly shows the daily schedule for criminal detainees.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4)

13 thoughts on “Kris Wu Criminally Detained By Police for Suspicion of Rape

  1. If this case happened in another country, maybe this case wouldn’t be investigated this fast. There is another famous ongoing case in another Asian country that I’m hoping sees some proper progress, for the sake of the victims.

    1. Are we thinking of the same person? His business owner idol friend under trial right now? I can’t believe their circle of friends is full of evil people now. Birds of a feather flock together.

    1. If it’s proven he was involved with selling/trafficking drugs or even using these drugs to rape women, death penalty. China takes drug charges very seriously. Even being caught using weed would destroy your life.

      If it’s proven he raped a child under 14, he’d probably get the death penalty as well.

      1. interesting…i wonder if him being canadian will change this. its going to be an interesting trial.

  2. Irony is: it was not the girl that made the offical police was Kris’s mother that made one whilst accusing the young girl of blackmail. Thus the offical investigation started…And date rape, drugs etc were all exposed… His mum digged a big hole for the son to fall in Deep!!

    1. Dumb*ss, he literally lured girls into his house under the guise of casting them for his MV… and u wanna believe he is innocent???

    2. This man repeatedly and intentionally preyed on minors. He hurt people and broke the law. For what he did, he deserves to rot in jail, at the least.

      I don’t know whether he ghosted her or not but he and his team still deserves to sit in jail for a long time for their crimes.

  3. His career is officially over. The police must have some very solid evidence in order for them to arrest him in such a high profile manner. He’d be very, very lucky if he walks away from this without any prison time.

      1. He should be thankful the death penalty is not an electric chair but merely lethal injection…

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