Male B Comes Forward to Defend Aaron Yan, Says He Still Loves Him

Aaron Yan Cheating Three Men Scandal

If you missed the A1 headline coming from Taiwan yesterday, someone outed Aaron Yan (炎亞綸) with intimate pictures of him kissing three different men, which were released by local tabloid magazine, Mirror Media.  This person also alleges Aaron Yan was cheating on the three men at the same time and even revealed private messages between one of his partners.  Today, Male B has come forward in an exclusive interview with Apple Daily Taiwan to defend his ex-lover and expresses he still loves him.  

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Male B, who didn’t show his face, revealed to Apple Daily Taiwan the timing of the three relationships didn’t overlap with each other, indicating Aaron Yan didn’t cheat.  He admits that the two loved deeply, but also understands they cannot go back to the way their relationship was before.  

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According to Male B, he alleges, Male A and Aaron Yan dated from 2016 to 2017, whereas Male C dated him around the end of 2017 and broke up earlier this year.  Male B dated Aaron Yan in August and broke up around October.  He alleges that Aaron Yan is accused of being a cheater because Male A still thought there was feelings between him and Aaron Yan after they broke up.  Despite Aaron Yan’s repeated attempts to break up, Male A wouldn’t accept it and even said some harsh words to the idol.  

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Male A Reaches out to Male B

On how the two started dating, Male B says Aaron Yan contacted him on social media in August and pursued him.  The two started dating, but Male B says he didn’t know of Male A’s existence at the time.  Later on when Male A saw pictures of Male B in Aaron Yan’s room, he searched for him on social media and messaged him.  Male A told Male B that he was Aaron Yan’s official boyfriend and even provided intimate pictures of them as proof.  Male B says, “At that time, I really thought I was the third party. I had an emotional breakdown.  Male A asked me for pictures with Aaron Yan so I sent it to him.”

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After this incident, Male B confronted Aaron Yan about Male A.  He says, “Aaron Yan showed me his messages between Male A.  Aaron Yan did mention several times he wanted to break up with Male A, but he didn’t want to.  He still insisted he and Aaron Yan were together.” 

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Male B says he and Aaron Yan never mentioned anything about breaking up, but at the end of October, Aaron Yan was busy working plus Male A was exposing his secrets, which was going to be aired on the news.  In the end, the two didn’t have any communication.  Even so, he decided to come forward to clear the air and set the record straight.  

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When the interview was about to conclude, Apple Daily TW asked Male B if still loved Aaron Yan.  He kept his head down and kept quiet.  He finally said, “Right now, I can’t answer this question.”  When asked if he still wanted to be with Aaron Yan, he still couldn’t answer.  Only when the interview was over, did he softly say, “I still love him very much, but once the news came out, I don’t know if I can continue loving him.”  Once Male B’s interview came out, Apple Daily TW tried to reach Aaron Yan for a response.  Through his company, HIM, he says yesterday’s official statement would be his first and last time commenting on the issue.

Credit: Apple Daily TW, UDNStars