Jiang Jinfu’s Living Quarters in Detention Center Revealed

Jiang Jinfu's Living Quarters in Detention Center Revealed

Chinese actor, Jiang Jinfu (蔣勁夫) was recently in the headlines for beating up his ex-girlfriend, Haruka Nakaura.  The actor has since surrendered himself to the Japanese authorities and admitted to using violence against Haruka Nakaura, but won’t reveal the motive behind his actions.  He is currently being detained in a Tokyo detention center.  Pictures of his living quarters in the detention was revealed today.  Due to his celebrity status, he he is living in solitary confinement.  According to the Japanese press, before the prosecution decides whether to charge Jiang Jinfu, he has to stay at the detention center for at least ten days.  While his cell is only 54 square feet, it is definitely more livable compared to the jail cells in other countries.  The size of his cell is about the same size of some of the living spaces in Hong Kong.  

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Even though Jiang Jinfu hasn’t been indicted yet, he still needs to adhere to the rules of the detention center.  He has to wake up at 6AM everyday.  His three meals are also restricted, but unlike other prisoners, he is allowed to leave the center each weekend to have one meal and buy daily necessities.  According to the Japanese press, if Jiang Jinfu and Haruka Nakaura can reach a settlement, there is a high chance he won’t be charged and will be immediately released.   

Credit: hk.on.cc, Jiang Jinfu Work Studio Weibo