Rocket Girls 101’s Wu Xuanyi Gets Irritated by Middle Aged Man Filming Her at Airport

Rocket Girls 101's Wu Xuanyi Gets Irritated by Middle Aged Man Filming Her at Airport

Rocket Girls 101’s Wu Xuanyi (吴宣仪) was at the airport a few days ago and a legion of her fans went to the airport to get a glimpse of her. Since Wu Xuanyi was crowded by her fans at the airport, naturally it drew attention from passersby at the airport wondering why there was such a commotion. As expected, those curious started taking out their cameras to film her. However, there were a few middle aged men who were following Wu Xuanyi really closely and filming her up close with their cameras in her face. One particular man even had the flash on and kept filming her.

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Wu Xuanyi looked helpless and was constantly turning around to avoid the man. She looked irritated and was trying to hide her face, but he kept following her.

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Watch the clip here:

When she got onto her car, she covered her face with her arms, looking dejected. After the clip of the middle aged man was circulated, many fans felt bad for Wu Xuanyi and said the man’s actions were wrong. Some fans characterized the middle aged man as greasy for his actions.

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Rocket Girls 101's Wu Xuanyi Gets Irritated by Middle Aged Man Filming Her at Airport

Credit: Sohu, Weibo (1, 2)