Fan Chengcheng Doesn’t Tell His Parents He is Dating Because of What They Did to Fan Bingbing

Fan Chengcheng Doesn't Tell His Parents He is Dating Because of What They Did to Fan Bingbing

Fan Chengcheng (范丞丞) was a guest on Jackson Yee’s new variety show, “Welcome Back to Sound” (朋友请听好). Popular hosts, Xie Na (谢娜) and He Jiong (何炅), are cast members on the show. On the latest episode, Xie Na asked Fan Chengcheng if he would tell his parents he was dating. He said, “Probably not.” He then explained that it seems like everyone hides it from their parents when they’re young. Fan Chengcheng is only 20 this year.

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The ever so naughty Fan Chengcheng busts on his sister, Fan Bingbing’s (范冰冰), dating life. He revealed that when he heard Fan Bingbing was younger, their mother would hit her when she dated. So ever since then, Fan Chengcheng says he didn’t dare tell his parents when he was dating. Fan Chengcheng revealed the guy was only Fan Bingbing’s friend and in the process of pursuing her. They were just hanging out together. When their dad saw them together, both their parents hit Fan Bingbing when she came home. They took a hanger and both hit her. Their parents joked that they’ve never been so in sync before.

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Fan Chengcheng had shared a similar story before about their father running out with a slipper in tow when a male friend took Fan Bingbing home. It’s no wonder Fan Chengcheng is still single…and probably because he’s an idol.

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Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)