Show Luo Partied with Busty Females Amidst Break Up Rumors with Girlfriend, Grace Chow

Show Luo Parties with Busty Females Amidst Break Up Rumors with Girlfriend, Grace Chow

Show Luo (羅志祥) and girlfriend, Grace Chow (周揚青), have been tabloid fodder for the past month. There were rumors the two broke up after dating for 9 years. Netizens noticed the two stopped interacting with each other on social media for nearly three months. The last time they had any interaction was around January 23, a stark contrast from how they usually show their PDA. They haven’t directly responded to the rumors since they started back in March.

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Amidst all these rumors, Show Luo has been busy with work. He is a mentor on Tencent’s “Produce Camp 2020” (创造营2020) and makes his return to season 6 of “Go Fighting!” (极限挑战). He also seems occupied with his personal life too. On April 7, someone released a clip of Show Luo partying with his friends in Yilan, Taiwan.

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It’s reported the party took place for two days, one night. An insider reveals they also invited “20 busty females” to accompany them at the pool party. Show Luo was also seen throwing a girl into the pool along with his friend.

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Reportedly one of the girls who attended the party:

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It doesn’t appear Grace Chow was present at the party. She posted on April 7 that she was in Beijing. Her post reads: “Will bring everyone to tour Beijing’s hutongs (胡同) today.”

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Credit: ETtoday (1, 2), Weibo (1, 2, 3), Grace Chow IG