Bob Lam and Christine Ng Talk Sex and Prostitutes with Female Cast of “Death By Zero”

Bob Lam and Christine Ng Talk Sex and Prostitutes with Female Cast of "Death By Zero"

In the latest episode of “Tiger’s Talk”, hosted by Christine Ng (伍詠薇) and Bob Lam (林盛斌), they invited the female cast from TVB’s “Death By Zero” (殺手), Elena Kong (江美儀), Ali Lee (李佳芯), Samantha Ko (高海寧), and Katy Kung (龔嘉欣). The group covered topics such as third parties, prostitutes, and sex.

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One of the questions asked was “Would you rather your other half look for prostitutes or have a mistress?” When Bob Lam asked the guests which one was harder to accept, Samantha Ko asked him, “Did you ask your wife this question before?” He responded, “Of course I asked before. If she must choose one out of the two, she said she rather I go look for prostitutes more than I have a mistress.” The female guests then ask him if he has ever hired a prostitute before, which he responds, “I am asking you guys!” Elena Kong, who plays a sex worker in the series, asked Bob Lam if he thought the setting in the series was realistic. He responded, “Very real.”, which prompted Elena Kong to say, “That means you’ve been there before.” Bob Lam retorted back, “Went there for work before.”

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As for Ali Lee, she and her boyfriend, Danny Chan (陳炳銓), have dated for 6 years and said they “never got too passionate”. She expressed, “I like to be like friends. You can be passionate with anyone very quickly, but it’s only a fleeting moment.” Christine Ng expressed, “Not even married yet and no kids, then there’s no passion, but if your other half is the same type of person as yourself, then it’s actually ok.” Bob Lam jokingly added, “If your other half was me, you would be very busy, do you know?” Everyone else jokingly said, “How would we not know. You have four kids.”

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Christine Ng pointed out, “Look at how old your kids are. Always making your wife’s stomach so big. You’re not light either.” Bob Lam jokingly responded, “Each one is 3 years apart. My wife is not light either. We’ve only done it four times all these years. All four times were successful.” Bob Lam has three daughters and a son.

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When it came to talking about the most daring and exciting place they’ve had sex, Elena Kong responded, “It’s pretty convenient while showering.” Ali Lee’s response was, “Legal venue”, while Katy Kung responded, “Men really like freshness and excitement. I need to learn more from those with more experience.” As for Samantha Ko, she responded, “How can I respond, dude?” She even turned to TVB executive, Virginia Lok (樂易玲), who was present on set, for help.

Credit: Skypost, IG