Samantha Ko Gets Praised and Yelled at for Slap Scene with Maggie Jiang in “Nothing But Thirty”

Samantha Ko Gets Praised and Yelled at for Slap Scene with Maggie Jiang in Nothing But Thirty

Chinese drama, “Nothing But Thirty” (三十而已), is the current hit series right now. Topics about the series are often trending top on Weibo. The series follows the lives of three women who are thirty and the different types of pressures they face at this age. One of the highlights of the series happened this week when one of the leads, “Wang Manni”, played by Maggie Jiang Shuying (江疏影), is confronted by the fiancé of her boyfriend, “Liang Zhengxian”.

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Hong Kong actress, Samantha Ko (高海寧), stars as “Zhao Jingyu”, the fiancé of “Liang Zhengxian”, who is played by another Hong Kong actor, Edward Ma (馬志威). “Wang Manni” didn’t know “Liang Zhengxian” already had a fiancé, so she ends up becoming the third party. “Zhao Jingyu” eventually finds out about “Wang Manni” and locates where she works. She purposely torments “Wang Manni” as she is a sales associate at a luxury store.

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“Zhao Jingyu” continues to make things difficult for “Wang Manni” by making her serve her. “Wang Manni” refuses so “Zhao Jingyu” complains to the manager and demands an apology from “Wang Manni”. As expected, “Wang Manni” refuses to apologize nor will she serve her, so “Zhao Jingyu” threatens to make a formal complaint, to the dismay of the store employees. At this time, “Wang Manni” fights back and tells her, “I’ll quit right now. I quit already. What else can you do about it?”. This triggers “Zhao Jingyu” to slap “Wang Manni” hard across the face in front of everyone.

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Even though Samantha Ko only filmed 9 scenes in 2 days for this series, her portrayal left a memorable impression among viewers, especially those who are used to seeing her as the third party. A netizen even said to her, “You think you’re worthy of slapping Jiang Shuying on the face?”. Samantha Ko responded, “I really didn’t dare in the beginning. It was Shuying-jie who gave me the courage and told me to slap realistically. She is really professional. Very happy to learn from her.” Maggie Jiang left a response on the post and said, “Slapped really well. Haining (Samantha Ko) is really wonderful.”

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Samantha Ko Gets Praised and Yelled at for Slap Scene with Maggie Jiang in "Nothing But Thirty"

Credit: Skypost, Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4)