Hunan TV Under Fire for Disrespecting Women Due to Camerawork from “818 Auto Home Festival”

Hunan TV Under Fire for Disrespecting Women Due to Camerawork from 818 Auto Home Festival

Chinese companies hold several shopping festivals each year for the sole purpose of having people spend money. Online car retailer, Auto Home, partnered with Hunan TV for its annual auto show on August 18. For their partnership, Hunan TV held a live concert called the “Hunan TV 818 AutoHome Festival” (2020湖南卫视818全球汽车夜) showcasing several artists such as the hosts from the “Day Day Up show, the jiejies from “Sisters Who Make Waves”, the UP7 brothers from “Day Day Up”, and more.

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A day after the show, the hashtag “Hunan TV evening festival female artist camerawork” was trending in the top 10 of Weibo’s hot search list. Many netizens complained about Hunan TV being disrespectful towards women as they noticed a few shots where the camera zoomed in at female artists’ legs and the lower half of their body whereas the male artists were filmed at a further angle.

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The comparison was the jiejies from “Sisters Who Make Waves” (乘风破浪的姐姐) against the “UP7” (追逐梦想的哥哥们) brothers from “Day Day Up”. A netizen compared the shots from both performances and came up with these analyses:

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Exhibit 1:

Red text: Jiejies’ opening performance filmed at a low angle looking up
Blue text: Geges’ opening performance using long range view

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Exhibit 2

Red text: During the jiejies’ performance, when female artists were wearing dresses, the camera was filming at a really low angle looking up.
Purple text: Already blurred out
Blue text: During the geges’ performance, it was always the normal angles interchanging between long range and short range views.

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Exhibit 3

Red text: The filming angle when the jiejies are walking towards the outer stage.
Blue text: The filming angle when the geges are walking towards the outer stage.

Many netizens commented saying Hunan TV was being very disrespectful to women and called the videographers “wretched”. One netizen commented, “Looking at it this way, Mango [TV] doing this “Sisters Who Make Waves” is a joke. Mango should at least first learn how to respect women and then stop defining women. Really speechless.”

Hunan TV has not responded to these claims.

You can watch the full performances:

“Sisters” performance:
“Brothers performance:

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4)