What Happened to “Kennis” in the “Big White Duel” Ending?

What Happened to "Kennis" in the "Big White Duel" Ending?

TVB’s medical drama, “Big White Duel” (白色強人) aired the finale episode on July 12. However, many people are wondering what happened to “Kennis”, played by Ali Lee (李佳芯), as her character had an open ending. In the finale episode, Kenneth Ma’s (馬國明) character, “Tong Ming” (唐明) helps “Kennis” remove the tumor in her heart. He urges her to leave Marshall Paxton hospital and get treatment in the US.

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Three years later, “Kennis” is seen working as a Doctor Without Borders in a war torn country. She originally had plans to return to Hong Kong to attend “Tong Ming” and “Zoe’s” (played by Natalie Tong (唐詩詠)) wedding. However, the local anti-government regime suddenly came barging in and surrounded “Kennis”, threatening her to release the enemy soldiers she was treating. She refuses saying she only has patients. The leader of the regime aims a gun at her head and threatens to shoot her. Undeterred, “Kennis” walks closer to the gun and says, “As I said, we only have patients.” The leader of the regime asks who she is. She replies, “I am a doctor.” The next scene pans to outside of the tent with a loud gun shot noise heard in the background. The ending doesn’t address whether “Kennis”was shot or if she survived, pissing off netizens.

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What Happened to "Kennis" in the "Big White Duel" Ending? Ali Lee Ending

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Shortly after the ending aired, TVB left this message on their Facebook: “Hope “SoTong” (Zoe and Tong Ming) will be happy so that her sacrifices are not in vain.” This left many netizens thinking “Kennis” met her demise. A lot of netizens left comments saying they hope to see “Kennis” come back and said there is no need to do a sequel if she isn’t coming back.

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In the “big big channel” live stream, Ali Lee gave her thoughts on the ending. She said, “It is an open ending. Whether I died or not, I don’t even know. Actually, I stole the gun and started shooting at them crazily!” One netizen’s creative imagination of the ending earned a lot of praise: “Ali got shot, but not in the head. The news of being a Doctor Without Border” wasn’t spread quickly. In the end, “Tong Ming” finds out he really likes “Kennis” more. Then he cancels the wedding to go look for “Kennis.”

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Momo Wu (吳沚默), who played the emergency nurse, wrote this caption in a group picture of the cast: “Marshall-Paxton (明成北). Looking forward to a continuation of the story.”


Kenneth Ma Wants Both Natalie Tong and Ali Lee

Kenneth Ma, Natalie Tong, and Ali Lee also express their thoughts about a sequel at the finale viewing party:


Credit: hk01.com, Kelly Cheung IG

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