Janine Chang and Roy Chiu Asked about Relationship Status at Press Conference

Rumored couple Janine Chang (張鈞甯) and Roy Chiu (邱澤) attended the press conference for their new web series, “Detective Chinatown” (唐人街探案), on January 13. The first question on reporters’ minds was the status of their relationship. One reporter took the plunge and took the opportunity to ask Janine Chang, “This is the second time Roy Chiu and Janine Chang appeared together after the dating news. How has it developed so far?”

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Both of them showed an awkward expression upon hearing the question. However, Janine Chang responded with a line from the series, “Indeed, I didn’t grasp the right amount. You didn’t drink enough of the colorless and tasteless enchanting water, right? Give him another box.” This line is in reference to Janine Chang’s character in the series where she uses enchanting water to knock him unconscious. After that, a staff worker immediately said, “Next question.”

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Janine Chang also took the opportunity to praise Roy Chiu saying, “He’s so handsome and his acting is so good. Hitting on girls is normal. Roy Chiu responded back with “Thank you!”. However, Janine Chang continued putting him on the spot, saying, “But I think Roy Chiu laoshi is really great at not just hitting on girls, but he even hits on the guys present at the scene.” Roy Chiu immediately responded with, “Huh?”. Janine Chang explained, “Because he can’t see it in front of the camera, but when we sit behind the camera, we can see the director filming. Every time we’re done filming, they will say, ‘Handsome! How can he be this handsome!’ So what I think he is great at is he can handle all.”

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Janine Chang and Roy Chiu Asked about Relationship Status at Press Conference

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Roy Chu and Janine Chang’s dating rumors started last September when they were caught driving together in Taiwan. Roy Chiu’s manager shortly admitting he was in the process of pursuing Janine Chang. However, Janine Chang’s team denied the dating rumors and put a stop on all the “love confirmations”. It was revealed Roy Chiu didn’t consult with her before admitting to any relationship.

Credit: UDN Stars, Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4)

3 thoughts on “Janine Chang and Roy Chiu Asked about Relationship Status at Press Conference

  1. I watched the china drama “The Four” as I am a fan of the ‘enforcement of justice’ genre. Having completed watching the whole series, I had this impression that you are a young girl at heart, sincere, and looking to find your prince charming and “live happily thereafter”. My interest aroused, I read more about your life from the internet sources: early childhood, dating life etc. Finding the right one in the entertainment industry is a notoriously difficult thing to do, since all are by necessity of their work trained to act, which inevitably includes the areas of showing emotions, concern, love. Nevertheless, it is still possible, but being too earnest, open, trusting puts you in a situation where you may be exploited. Observe the person of your interest from different angles. If it is still near impossible to find the right one in the industry, the next best option is to find a life partner outside of the entertainment industry. Best wishes!

  2. Ning Chang – you deserve someone to marry who treasures family value and never going to leave you as a single mother. Just look at your father who is a professor and your mother who is a writer. You are very smart and don’t let the media fools you to find someone. You can still be a model and a mother once you find the right guy to marry. Pray and God will lead you.

    1. Ning u r smart girl with quality n come frm strong family background choose wisely choose the guy will appreciate your quality n your value as a person this roy guy far frm this basic quality he is the person arrogant n only love himself he call he pursuing u ? To me look like he conquered u his ego when thing don’t go his way he just act like a dick a fox never change to a sheep be very careful my dear u don’t want become his next victim the way I saw he looking for someone can help him gain his popularity n used her till nothing left that is what happened to his exes be very clear there’s no love involve just benefit don’t through your hard work to the garbage your goodness to the children n your other charities work all will go to pause he will take all your goodness I till I left with nothing he’s like vampire blood sucking I know your age is good time to settle down but don’t settle for less u r so worth it like u said God have a good plan for you they will be your Prince Charming will pick u up just wait a little bit he will be there I felt maybe he already appears in front of u as we speak God Blessings to u my dear queen love you always Surya at Westhollywood, California

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