Kris Wu Reveals Why Kōki was Chosen as the Female Lead for the “Eternal Love” MV

Kris Wu Reveals Why Kōki was Chosen as the Female Lead for the "Eternal Love" MV

Kris Wu (吴亦凡) celebrated his 29th birthday on November 6 with the release of his new song and music video, “Eternal Love” (贰叁). He teased fans prior to the release by posting pictures of him dressed in traditional Chinese costume. What was unexpected was the female lead of his music video was none other than Japanese model, Kōki (木村光希), who is Takuya Kimura’s daughter. The two of them appeared at the press conference in Beijing to celebrate Kris Wu’s birthday and the debut of his new song and music video.

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Kris Wu Reveals Why Kōki was Chosen as the Female Lead for the "Eternal Love" MV

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The music video, which was really a 16 minute micro film, was played at the press conference. The two conversed in English with Kris Wu acting as her translator. When talking about how they came about collaborating together, Kris explained he wanted to find someone that was “familiar, but yet also unfamiliar, fresh, a very different kind of face. Kōki is only 17 years old (she’s actually 16). Everyone might have seen her on the big screen or whatever, but they might not have seen her perform like she did in the MV. So she is extremely suitable. She has a very special, very special aura. It’s very unique, so I think she’s especially suitable. Very suitable for this micro film so that’s why we collaborated together.”

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Kōki also showed off her Chinese after Kris Wu told everyone her Chinese was really good. She said to everyone, “Hello, I am Kōki. Happy Birthday, Kris.” Even though it’s a 16 minute micro film, Kris Wu mentioned they only had 3 days to film and it wasn’t the entire 3 days. He expressed the scene where he and Kōki are hugging each other on the roof while it’s snowing was actually their first scene together. However, the two were able to quickly get into character and filmed the scene successfully. The most challenging part for Kōki was having to portray a blind person in the film.

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Kris Wu Reveals Why Kōki was Chosen as the Female Lead for the "Eternal Love" MV

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When asked about how they felt working together, Kōki said she was very honored to work with Kris and his team. She also thanked them for the opportunity and praised the crew for being really nice. Kris Wu said he had a really good impression of Kōki and was very honored to work with her. He said, “Like what I said before. She has a very special aura. She gives off a very fresh feeling. Even though she might not have had a lot of previous performance experiences, the time we had was very short. We didn’t have enough time to prepare. Everyone was satisfied and everyone really liked her. So, extremely grateful to Kōki.”

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At the end, the host then asks Kōki how she refers to Kris in private. She responded, “I call him Kris.” For whatever reason, the host thought there would’ve been more to it than what Koki responded. He said, “Okay, this question doesn’t have any gossipy elements to it.”

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You can watch the press conference here:

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4)

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