Zheng Shuang Reveals 2020 Court Documents Suing Zhang Heng to Gain Legal Custody of Children

Zheng Shuang Reveals 2020 Court Documents Suing Zhang Heng to Gain Legal Custody of Children

Zheng Shuang’s (郑爽) surrogacy scandal has taken a different turn since her career went to shambles after Zhang Heng’s (张恒) camp released an audio of her and her parents suggesting to abandon her kids. On January 23, Baidu APP released an interview with Zheng Shuang’s father, Zheng Chenghua (郑成华). He apologized for his actions and the words he said about abandoning the children. He also explained Zheng Shuang had never wanted to give them up.

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Zheng Shuang’s father apologizes

He said, “First off, as Zheng Shuang’s father, I sincerely apologize to everyone. As a parent, I didn’t guide my child correctly. Thinking about all those thoughts, I feel very guilty thinking about it now.”

As for the audio, Zheng Chenghua explained he thought their relationship would end up well and even envisioned their future together. He explained the night of the recording, Zhang Heng’s parents came to their home talking about their future plans. Zheng Chenghua said he was putting up a macho act like a big brother and wanted to argue back and forth with the other party, which resulted in the “overly intense words” he said.

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Netizens commented Zheng Chenghua didn’t seem sincere in his apology, based on his posture and expressions

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Zheng Chenghua once again apologized, “I sincerely, sincerely regret it and apologize, but this isn’t how we really feel inside. Once the relationship ruptured, the first thing we wanted to do was to draw the lines, that is to never have any contact. Don’t want to have any type of relations. First off, that’s how we thought. Never thought about really doing it. Once the children are born, we would definitely take responsibility. We have responsibility to raise them, teach them, and we have to plan for the future. Later on, we really did that. We didn’t do anything according to those overly intense words. I truly, truly believe those comments I said that day are wrong, no matter what. I express my sincerest apologies to everyone for the comments made that day on behalf of the three of us.”

Zheng Shuang and Her Father Address Surrogacy, Abandonment Recording, and Exposes Zhang Heng for Cheating

Why surrogacy?

When asked how he felt about the surrogacy, Zheng Chenghua felt it was wrong. He urged everyone not to follow what Zheng Shuang and they did. He explained they chose surrogacy because of work reasons and that Zheng Shuang’s health wasn’t good. He said Zheng Shuang’s surrogacy was done on the basis of medical considerations where the person can’t give birth due to existing health conditions that precludes them from being pregnant.

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Alleged Recording Suspected to be of Zheng Shuang and Her Parents Suggesting to “Abandon, Give Up Babies for Adoption” with Zhang Heng’s Father

Zheng Chenghua said he asked Zheng Shuang whether the surrogacy was legal when she first came to him with the idea. She told him it was legal in the US, but he told her it has to be legal as she is a public figure. Zheng Shuang told him, “Dad, my body doesn’t allow me to give birth. We really yearn for that domestic bless and of course like [children].” He also said they had already renovated a nursery at home and bought a baby carriage in preparation to bring the babies home to raise. He also said he will no longer say negative information about Zhang Heng taking into consideration that he is the father of his grandkids and didn’t want them to have any psychological harm.

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Zheng Shuang’s sues Zhang Heng for custody of the children

Zheng Shuang and her mother spoke with the China Business Journal and revealed Zheng Shuang discovered Zhang Heng was cheating on her in August 2019. Their relationship started having troubles, which resulted in the leaked audio that happened in October 2019. Zhang Heng’s parents traveled to Shanghai to apologize to her. When they talked about the children, the parties couldn’t reach an agreement. Zheng Shuang revealed court documents from August 2020 filed in the District Court in Denver, Colorado, showing her official case suing Zhang Heng to fight for legal custody of their children.

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Zhang Heng’s Father Reveals Adoption Process Email, Refutes Zheng Shuang’s Claims about Not Being Able to See Her Children

Zheng Shuang told the reporters, she and Zhang Heng started dating in 2018 and planned to get married. Due to her health issue, she started looking into surrogacy in the US in March 2019. According to the due date, they should be born in early 2020. She said she still hasn’t seen the children since they were born.

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She also revealed an email dated from December 2019 about a “young actress in China” seeking legal advice about getting sole custody while not being present in the US.

Zhang Heng’s alleged infidelity…

Zheng Shuang’s mother also showed her chats with Zheng Heng who admitted he was wrong and asked Zheng Sheng’s parents for forgiveness and that he let her down. Her mother scolded him for cheating on Zheng Shuang on multiple occasions. She told him not to talk about the contracts, which he responded that he wasn’t trying to do that and only wanted to right his wrongs. He said he needs to be punished and didn’t want to lose his soon to be family.

Credit: Sohu (1) Weibo (1, 2)

2 thoughts on “Zheng Shuang Reveals 2020 Court Documents Suing Zhang Heng to Gain Legal Custody of Children

  1. The damage was done. Both are not mature enough to have children. Her ex is still hiding behind his friends and ZS’s side is not convincing enough to admit their faults. This is a disaster. Just apologize to the kids that’s all I want to see from both her ex and ZS. Admit they are wrong to their children.

  2. Nice backpedalling there but it still brushes over the whole illegal surrogacy, trying to return/abort the kids like an unwanted shoe. Do they really think they have in any way demonstrated they would be good parents? What about when the children become literate and read all these articles about their mother, clearly and publicly not wanting them? Why the lag to release all of this? Crocodile tears to save a dead career.

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