Wang Ke and Liu Tao leave the Inn to let the helpers run it. The four of them sit down and discuss who should take on the role of the innkeeper. Shen Yue subtly hints Philip Wu should be the innkeeper as he is in charge of the money. Kido Ma also suggests Philip Wu to be the boss. Philip Wu declines and says he is afraid he can’t handle it. He says anyone can be the boss. Dylan Wang says it doesn’t really matter and there is no need to select one. Shen Yue then asks what if we’re all bosses. The four kid around and says they are all stockholders. They proceed to call each other CEOs.
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The new innkeepers are met with their first obstacle. A young lady claims to be a volunteer and will work for them in exchange for free lodging for three days. They proceed to have their “board of directors” meeting with the other two workers. Philip Wu suggests asking Wang Ke for permission. After more discussion, the group decides to give her three meals for free and free activities, but she has to pay for lodging. Kido Ma suggests Philip Wu to deliver the news. He hesitates and doesn’t take action. Dylan Wang suddenly gets up and says he’ll go. Philip Wu then says we’ll go together. They break the news to the volunteer and she agrees to live in the workers quarters.
After dinner, they group play “Heads Up” with the guests. Philip Wu and Kido Ma go first, but only guessed three correctly. Dylan Wang and Shen Yue go after them and guessed seven correctly, showing their chemistry. Philip Wu and Kido Ma lose and as punishment, they have to sing “Two Tigers,” while doing pushups.
Dylan Wang and Yang Chaoyue Rumored to be Starring in Chinese Remake of Korean Series, “Full House”
Just as the group heads for bed, the power goes out throughout the entire inn. Each of them head out to each guest’s room to deliver candles. Dylan Wang approaches the maintenance workers and inquires about the situation. They explain it’s an issue with the electric company. Dylan Wang reports back to the group and shares the news. They’re worried as the temperature keeps dropping. Philip Wu decides to call the Auntie who works with them. It turns out she was already sleep. Philip Wu and Dylan Wang explain the situation to her and she asks what they are going to do. They tell the Auntie to go back to sleep as they will resolve it themselves.
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Their is a bit of debate among Kido Ma and Philip Wu about whether or not they should wake up the guests and ask them if they would like to go to a nearby hotel that has power. One of the guests end up following them to the Brother Zheng home to sleep for the night. As they are preparing the room for the guest, Philip Wu receives a call from one of the guests with a baby. She says it’s cold in the room and the baby is crawling all over. Philip Wu tells her they will pick them up to sleep at Brother Zheng’s place.
The next morning, Shen Yue wakes the boys up at 7:30 AM. She has to work extra hard at getting Dylan Wang to wake up. She says, “Wake up, wake up, brother, wake up, wake up.” Philip Wu receives a call from their new worker, but he remains a mystery.
“The Inn 2” Episode 8 Highlights: Dylan Wang Makes Fun of Shen Yue’s Height
“The Inn 2” Episode 7 Highlights: Dylan Wang Gets Emotional Talking About His Mother
A second worker calls Philip Wu and it turns out to be Li Weijia from “Happy Camp.” When the second car pulls up, it turns out to be Caesar Wu (吳希澤), the actor who played Ximen in the 2018 version of “Meteor Garden”.
“The Inn 2” Episode 5 Highlights: Philip Wu Gets Mistaken for Karry Wang Junkai
“The Inn 2” Episode 4 Highlights: Shen Yue Arrives at The Inn, Dylan Wang Makes Philip Wu Jealous

“The Inn 2” Episode 3 Highlights – Part 1: Chen Xiang Returns to The Inn
At dinner, the group decide to try “The Book of Answers.” You ask a question and flip to a certain page and it gives you an answer. Dylan Wang tries it and asks, “Can I meet someone who is especially fated with me and become…a character representative of my work.” His answer is, “You must do what you set out to do. Everyone thought he was going to say “become my other half.” Philip Wu tries it and asks if they will lose power and water tonight. When he lands on a page, it says, “Don’t mess around.” Everyone bursts into laughter. Dylan Wang says the book is extreme.
“The Inn 2” Episode 1 Highlights: Dylan Wang Wants to Introduce Shen Yue to Philip Wu

The next day, they go to a nearby frozen lake to play on the ice. Dylan Wang is carrying a guest family’s daughter down. In the process, he is helping Caeser Wu down, but almost makes him fall. Caesar Wu then helps Shen Yue to get down to the ice. However, while the group is playing in the lake, Wang Ke and Liu Tao are on their way back to the Inn. When they arrive, everyone is happy to see them back.
At dinner, Dylan Wang thanks Wang Ke and Liu Tao for letting them grow and mature. Dylan Wang then sends an air kiss to Wang Ke’s way. They proceed to tell Wang Ke and Liu Tao about the power outage, but Shen Yue and Philip Wu cut it short by giving away the main points too early. Then Li Weijia asks the guests for feedback. The guests reveal they didn’t have water or slippers. Shen Yue bursts out that they haven’t bought water lately. Liu Tao makes a comment that they neglected their duty.
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Credit: Hunan Official Youtube Channel
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